The Power of Vulnerability with Nick Jonsson

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Being vulnerable at work can help create a more authentic, empathetic, and supportive workplace culture, which can lead to improved productivity, engagement, and overall well-being.

Vulnerability can help create a safe space for open communication. When you share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns, you can facilitate more honest and productive conversations with your colleagues.

My guest today shares personal experiences being vulnerable at work and how he works with executives to be more vulnerable as a competitive advantage in today’s ever-changing market. Nick Jonsson is the Managing Director of EGN who provides a safe haven for members to share their work-related challenges, receive support, and learn from each other. 

He is a bestselling author, keynote speaker, podcast host, and award-winning entrepreneur who shares his personal highs and lows in the business world. Throughout his journey, he has learned the power of connection and support. 

When you allow yourself to be vulnerable, you're showing your authentic self, and that can help build trust with your colleagues. It can also encourage them to open up and share their own vulnerabilities, further strengthening trust and relationships…which is good for business. 

Thanks, as always, for tuning in to our podcast. 

Connect with Nick: 

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