Healthcare Equity with Geoffrey M. Roche

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My guest today is Geoffrey M. Roche, Senior Vice President at Core Education, public figure, strategist, connector and collaborator, who has leveraged his skills to develop and train healthcare professionals. 

“We need to create a healthcare system that is equitable. We need to create the right providers and train them to meet the needs of different populations. To think that we are not there yet, in 2023, as a healthcare professional, is quite frustrating. Lives are literally at stake.”

According to Geoffrey, our healthcare system has some systemic, long-known issues that have significantly impacted various individuals and communities, not just in the United States, but across the world. He gives an example that the rate of maternal fatalities is significantly higher for African American women and even celebrities like Serena Williams have had to fight for their right to equitable healthcare. 

We also discussed the aim of empathetic leadership, which is to focus on others first by building meaningful relationships and human-centered connections, always daring to think and go big while fostering prosperous environments for change, and facilitating ecosystem partnerships to drive new solutions and results.

If we lead with our hearts we can truly create a different model for the future of healthcare. 

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